Friday, 2 January 2015

(So, This is my Life?)


Guilty. That's how Greta felt when she woke up. She was so happy when Youssef had shown up on the island with her yesterday, how could she not? Now that she thought about it though, she did feel guilty. She should have told him, of course she should have. Would he have stayed with her though? That was the question. Guilty, but not sorry about it, yes that's how she felt. She had been alone so long, she didn't care. She'd do it again if given the chance.

Getting out of bed, she went through her morning routine. As she was finishing her breakfast, Youssef got up. He looked over to where she was sitting, and then went into the shower. Fine, he'd need time, that was understandable. But there were things she needed to know, things she had to make clear, so she waited at the table for him to join her.

Explaining things so they made sense was a little harder than anticipated. At first she wasn't sure he got it, but he seemed to put it in better order than she did. Bully for him. Where was this anger coming from? Oh, that's right, they're talk last night. Couldn't he see that she loved him? She didn't kidnap him and make him a slave, she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Sighing to herself, she explained about snorkeling and scuba diving.

Leaving him with his thoughts for awhile, she went upstairs to check on the chickens and the mail. Oh this wasn't good! The chickens were ill looking. No good eggs to speak of, what was she going to do? She'd check the catalogue later, maybe they'd have medications. Going to the mailbox, Greta almost passed out after opening it. Are you kidding!? Her haul from Egypt and the day before was immense. They could upgrade their house, buy things, they could live off of this! Running back inside Greta went to find Youssef.

Gone. Along with the snorkeling gear. Looks like he took her advice. Well, she'd just have to wait until later. Donning her scuba gear Greta headed for the cave.

She must have gotten a horseshoe stuck somewhere. The haul down by the cave in both areas was unbelievable. Coming back to the island she felt satisfied with her days work. Now to find Youssef and discuss things. There he was sitting at the table staring at some shells and rocks. Oh right. She had forgotten to tell him what to do with the things they had found. Walking up and shyly saying hello, she sat down beside him. He reached out and took her hand, giving an apologetic smile. Things were going to be okay.

After explaining/showing him the way to sell things, Greta told him about the money. Then she showed him the catalogue. They talked until the middle of the night about what to do with it all. Then they placed an order. Looking a little skeptical, Youssef joined her in the bed, and they fell asleep.


He was a jerk. He'd never said that about himself before, but he was pretty sure it applied to him now. He had whined like a small child last night. It didn't change the way he felt, but he still felt embarrassed by it.

Sighing, he got out of bed. Looking towards the other end of the room, he saw Greta having breakfast at the table. He started heading towards her to apologize, when she turned. It was like she had thunder clouds in her face. He had done that, he just knew it. Feeling ashamed, and wanting to avoid her wrath, he headed for the shower. She probably needed a few minutes to herself.

Getting out, he discovered her still sitting there. Well, nothing for it, he would have to endure and apologize. That should make her calm down. After all, he was stuck with her until he could find away off of this island. He sat at the table, and was about to offer his apologies, when she spoke first. It was brisk and business like, and he didn't like it. She told him about things to do, and what to gather.

This sounded like a lot of work. It was depressing to think this is what his life had come to. After she left, he sat thinking about possible escape roots, and then decided he had better stop living in daydream world. Working, might make her happy, and he might discover a way out of this. Strapping on some snorkeling gear, he set out for the ocean. Not like its hard to find around here, he thought sarcastically.

Five minutes out, he was tired. An hour after that he was exhausted. There were some things to be found, shells, fish, a toy (a toy way out here, who knew.) then he found something interesting. A rock of the ancients. They had been here. Either this was going to make things very very good, or very very bad. Still not sure, he headed for the shore.

Not sure what to do with everything he had found, he started looking for Greta after changing. Nowhere to be found, he placed his treasures on the table in front of him, and waited. This wasn't much of a life. Looking around him, at all the things that were there, he had to admit he had admiration for Greta. She had lived like this far longer than he had, and look at where she had gotten, what she had done. He did feel pride in her. His new bride was amazing, it's just he wished she had been upfront. This certainly wasn't a life he wanted  nor have chosen. Sighing to himself, he went deeper and deeper into thought waiting for her to come home. Maybe he would find his answers.

How long he had sat there, he didn't know, but Greta brought him out of a daze. Walking shyly up to the table and practically whispering hello, it was quite the change from this morning. At least she didn't seem to be mad anymore. When she sat, he reached out and took her hand, giving it a squeeze, and smiling. He was sorry too. Greta apologized for not telling him how to sell things. Then she told him about the catalogue, apparently this was their lifeline.

He had practically passed out after she told him about her find in the mailbox this morning. They were going to be okay here. One small worry lifted off his chest. Then she started talking about making their living space better. They discussed things for a longtime, and wrote most of it down on a piece of paper. Greta showed him how it all worked. Then they headed for bed. He was too exhausted to give it much thought, but he was starting to like it here.

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