Monday, 15 September 2014

A Word From the Writer
This is my very first challenge. It also happens to be my very first blog. So, I hope you'll have some patience with it (and me.) I guess I should start this off by telling you, I've played this game, and all the previous ones for years. I'm just socially awkward when it comes to chatrooms and player boards.
I started this blog and challenge, at the recommendation of a good friend BMIT04. Like I said before, I'm not really one for these types of things, but I have to admit it is fun. Let's get down to basics.
  1. You're stranded on a deserted island
  2. You can talk to no one that shows up
  3. You have to survive 5 generations on this little island
  4. You can vacation 3 times (twice to the same area,) or go to uni twice to find a mate.
  5. No travelling to the future
  6. No one can leave except for rule 4, unless they die
  7. All traits must be randomized after first couple (that's going to be a lot of fun!)
So, I think I'm sticking pretty close to those (let me know if I stray off the path.) I should say that anyone who's played these games before knows you need a lot of imagination to make a blog about a challenge like this work. Otherwise it's going to put you to sleep fairly quickly. I've been told I have a great imagination, it's just twisted. So, I hope you'll come along for the ride, but take things with a small grain of salt as well (there will be some holes in the story, just try not to think to hard about them. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith for a story.)
There will be no pictures associated with my blog. It's not that I think it wouldn't be a good idea, but there's 3 main reasons why this will be happening.
  1. I'd rather leave it up to your imagination what you see when you read. It's like reading a really good novel, and having it turn into a movie. You're watching it and you're like why did they pick them for the role? That's not what I had in my head.
  2. I really suck at capturing pictures in game. (I'm working on it though.)
  3. I wouldn't know how to add them to save the human race. Sorry guys...
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think.


  1. not having photos makes it seem more like a book :) (though Bmit has done a splendid job with all her poses to enliven hers)

  2. Hi! I'm saw a link to your blog on BMIT's FB page, so I thought I'd start reading it. Sounds like fun so far! :)
