Monday, 15 September 2014

Day Five
Looking back on it, Greta realized today had been topsy-turvy, but in a good way. First, she woke up and had breakfast and a shower. She must be acclimatizing to her surroundings better because the ice cold shower didn't seem that cold today. Going outside, it was a beautiful summer day again. Just as she was passing her mailbox, she noticed something in it. How strange, upon opening it she couldn't believe her eyes! A bill? Seriously!? A bill! Out here in the middle of nowhere, for services rendered. I guess even lost at sea they try and stick it to you.
Paying the $17 bill, Greta mutter to herself under breath on her way to the beach. Just as she was stepping onto the sand, she noticed something small moving near the edge of the water. Freezing, Greta watched for a moment. Her heart racing, she hoped it wasn't a land-walking jellyfish coming to get her for catching its cousin. Suddenly, it ran into a patch of sunlight. It was some sort of lizard. Squealing with delight, Greta took off after it.
Laughing to herself as she held onto the lizard she had finally managed to catch, Greta couldn't remember having so much fun in what felt like forever. She decided to name him Samuel and keep him around for company (things with the raccoon didn't seem to be working out.) Decision made, she started to take Samuel home and look for a box to keep him in. Maybe there would be something in that catalogue. $17 ha! Rip off artists.
A few minutes later, her thoughts interrupted, Greta nearly dropped Samuel in shock. He had bit her! Well, that wasn't going to fly, she had enough of that from that stupid raccoon! Stuffing Samuel into the mailbox, she decided to sell him. Feeling slightly guilty, but determined, Greta went back to the ocean and started snorkeling. Greta found another space rock again. Hmmm, did a spaceship crash around here or something? Giggling to herself about what a wacky day she was having, she almost missed a shell. Grabbing it at the last minute she headed home.
Quite the sight awaited her on the shore. Along with some broken boards and other garbage that had washed up, there was a familiar sound: Cluck! Cluck! Greta turned her head trying to locate the sound. How in the world did a couple of chickens end up here? After getting over her astonishment, she chased and caught them. Looking through the debris, she built a crude shelter for them and shoved them in it. She'd give the animals another try. She could use the company. Oh! The eggs, chickens laid eggs! Real, normal food! Yes, she could use these chickens; besides if they pecked her, they could be eaten or used as fish bait.
Feeling lucky, and quite pleased with herself, Greta went downstairs to bed. Yup, today had been quite the day. Oh wait! The lizard, was it ok? Was it still alive? Giggling a little evilly, Greta decided she'd check on it in the morning.

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