Day Twenty
(Vacations are always nice, it's the traveling that sucks)
Waking up to the thunderstorm this morning was actually quite comforting. It helped that she didn't feel sick anymore, and the room not spinning really helped a lot too. Feeling starved after a day of hardly eating, Greta made waffles and scarfed them down, then finished the rest of her routine.
Thankful to the rain, because it kept Charles at bay, Greta managed to gather the eggs without incident or injury to her pride. Feeling like wasn't so bad out, she donned her scuba gear and waded into the water...and right back out again! Great googlie mooglies it was cold out! Ripping off her scuba gear, she headed back inside with a quick stop to chat up the chickens.
Inside she flipped through the catalogue, more out of boredom than necessity. Finally, she reached the back page. There sure was a lot of stuff crammed in this catalogue. Before looking at the final page, she pondered how they managed to get their hands on all of it, then decided she didn't want to know.
Looking down, she saw the greatest sight she had ever seen. They offered vacations! Oh and to three places she'd always wanted to go! It didn't take Greta long to think about it. She placed her request in the mailbox, and started to giggle about the thought of being kidnapped tonight, when all of a sudden she felt a jerking motion as she was lifted off her feet. NOW! THEY WERE DOING IT NOW!? Those were her last thoughts before blacking out.
Can't wait for the next ones when, you bring home a little something something!